
Primary Service: homework help, direct reading, writing or math instruction with reinforcement of grade level standards (always current with the curriculum and scope in sequence being taught in Grades K-6), enrichment, practice materials for home when pertinent and/or requested, communication with parents. Monthly fee.

Additional Service:  Communication with school team in order to develop more specific and targeted sessions, including emails and/or phone calls with all necessary staff on your child’s learning team (this may include: classroom teacher, special education teacher, reading specialist, math interventionist, guidance counselor, speech pathologist or more). All communications will require a written waiver (parent requested and submitted to school) before this can occur (an easy process I can walk you through). Additional fee added to monthly once communication with school is established. Communication will continue as long as parent feels necessary.

Additional Service: Guidance in the 504 and Special Education process. Including, but not limited to :parent meetings, school meetings, review of paperwork (with verbal or written feedback) and general advice and advocacy. Please note: I am NOT special education certified and this would serve more as an advocate role. I do have 18+ years experience teaching in the inclusive classroom and extensive experience in all of the above. I am also a member of COPAA (Council or Parent Attorneys and Advocates) .

Additional monthly fee, based on the needs of the family.